
In The Nosebleed Pews It Was Too Dark To Speak

In The Nosebleed Pews It Was Too Dark To Speak
From the series Hocus Focus.

Connected to "Asleep In The Pews" by Evening Hymns.


9 commentaires:

  1. ça me BOTTE.

  2. one can hear the silence just by looking at this shot.. nicely done..

  3. Vom Dunklen ins Helle, vom Nahen ins Ferne - eine einzige Flucht, dieser Gang: Er zieht uns heraus, dorthin, wo das Licht alles auflöst, entmaterialisiert, wo nur noch diffuse Helligkeit herrscht, ein weißes Rauschen, in das wir eintreten, optisch, wenn mir langsam, ganz langsam diesen Gang entlanggehen. Sehr hypnotische Wirkung. Und irritierend der eine Fuß, der zu sehen in einer der hinteren Kirchenbänke.
    Gruß, Uwe

  4. Une lumière divine, j'adore cette photo !


  5. Great line ! Very beautiful composition !

  6. The light and mood is fantastic.

  7. "So I spent some time in the woods, they were dark, they were deep / Long to come home to you, lay my lips down to sleep / But I got lost or was it found?"

    What a beautiful tune go along with that monument of yours, Francis. And I sure can answer: First I got lost & then I was found. Found by you, your beauties & these haunting songs fo yours.

    And if you could only see: On my knees, silent, listening & staring hypnotized into your great, great light!

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  8. Beautiful light and atmosphere.


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